How it works:
No matter what sleep challenges you are facing, a gentle sleep approach can help! Whether you are going through frequent night wakings, struggling with schedules, early morning wakings, short naps and nap troubles, sleep regressions, night weaning or use of sleep props, I can help you get the sleep you and your family needs. Every child is different and has a unique sleep story, and I am here to listen to yours.​
My sleep plans and methods are tailored to you and your child! I am here to help you achieve your sleep goals and support you in what works for you. I do not use a one-size-fits-all method and do not use CIO (cry-it-out) or Ferber Method.
Before booking a package, please make sure to read our disclaimers. You can find them at the bottom of this page.

Little Dreamer - Gold
2 Week Package
(6 Months - 4 Years)
​This package is designed to guide and support you every step of the way as you implement your child's custom sleep plan. This is a great start to fully understanding sleep and how to help and support your child's unique sleep needs. With 2 weeks of support, I am only an email away to guide you in getting the sleep your family needs.
Complete sleep assessment
60 minute consultation (phone call)
Step-by-step custom sleep plan, including a schedule, plan and summary
2 weeks of email support (Mon-Fri)
2 follow up phone calls (20 minutes each)
Daily sleep log tracking
Q&A Support
Do you have any questions about your child's sleep? Let's setup a Q&A call and I will try to help you! Sometimes all it takes is a small change in schedule or routine to satisfy your child's unique sleep needs.
60 Minute phone call to discuss your questions and issues

Little Dreamer - Silver
1 Week Package
(6 Months - 4 Years)
A one week support package that will give you a great foundation in understanding how sleep works and how to support your child. I will help, guide and support you along the way for 7 days through your child's sleep journey as you implement your little one's custom sleep plan.
Complete sleep assessment
60 minute consultation (phone call)
Step-by-step custom sleep plan, including a schedule, plan and summary
1 week of email support (Mon-Fri)
1 follow up phone call (20 minutes)
Daily sleep log tracking

Little Dreamer - Newborn
2 Week Package
(0-6 Months)
The newborn care package. This is NOT sleep training. This package is designed to help you support your baby in developing good sleep habits. We will follow baby's lead and build on this. This package will give you a better understanding of how newborn sleep works, how to tackle day/night confusion, short naps, soft teaching of independent sleep, sleep safety, the dreaded 4 month regression and more.
​Complete sleep assessment
60 minute consultation (phone call)
Custom plan that will include schedules, nap transitions, plan and summary
2 follow up phone calls (20 minutes each)
2 weeks of email support (Mon-Fri)​

Medical Disclaimer
The information and advice that will be provided to you is NOT medical advice. Reliance on the advice is solely at your own risk. The advice is for informational purposes only and is for use with common sleep issues that are unrelated to medical issues. The information provided is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek advice from your physician with any questions that you have regarding the medical condition or health and welfare of your child, and before using the techniques offered to you. It is always best to follow sleep recommendations according to the SIDS campaign. In no event will Little Dreamer Sleep be liable for any claims, losses, injury or damages as a result of reliance on the information provided.
Feeding Disclaimer
Always follow the guidelines that have been provided to you for your baby by your physician/pediatrician. Please talk to your primary care provider when starting sleep training in terms of feeding and night weaning. Every baby is different, some might be able to start sleeping through the night between 3-6 months while others still need a night feed at 9 months old. You and your doctor know your baby best!
Crying Disclaimer
First and foremost, You will absolutely not leave your baby to cry it out. Sleep should not be a punishment and your child should not feel abandoned and left to cry until they fall asleep out of pure exhaustion. Sleep is a part of life and can be fun with consistency in teaching. Bedtime can be fun! But, yes there may be some tears. Even with a gentle method of sleep training, we are trying to break certain habits and changing routines and the only way for your baby to communicate that he/she doesn't agree with this is to cry. Please don't mistake crying for sadness or fear. Crying is out of protest! And yes, it can be absolutely heartbreaking to hear our little ones cry, but keep in mind that you are doing what is best for your baby and this is just temporary.
When it comes to crying, you also know your baby best! Always make sure your baby is safe and okay. If the crying gets too intense, always comfort your child and make sure he/she is okay, warm enough, isn't hungry, uncomfortable or has a dirty diaper that is bothering them.
Copyright Notice
No part of the website or any information provided to you in the form of written information such as emails, sleep plans and guides may be reproduced, republished or transmitted in any way, shape or form for commercial use. You may not pass on any information provided to anyone as this is for personal use only. Copyright remains with Little Dreamer Sleep.
Refund Policy
Due to the time and effort that goes into creating a customized sleep plan for your child, your package is non-refundable. Failed attempts are rare and typically only occur when your child has a medical condition or other condition that interferes with sleep. It is also very important that mom and dad are consistent with the plan and implementation of the plan to make sleep a success.
Thank you.