Being a new parent comes with a whole new world of feelings and emotions, from joy to stress and sleepless nights. And as a new parent you may already be realizing that taking care of a newborn is hard work... But one of the most important things you can do for your little ones growth and development is to make sure they will get enough sleep. This is also the tricky part... because newborn sleep isn’t as simple as it sounds.
Sleep is important for newborns because it is during this time of sleep that their bodies and brains are developing rapidly. While your little one is sleeping, their brain is busy making new neural connections that will help them learn and grow. Another important benefit of sleep is that is will help regulate their hormones and keeping their immune system healthy and strong.

But here’s the thing... newborn sleep is extremely erratic. This is mainly because newborns have an underdeveloped circadian rhythm. Our circadian rhythm is basically our internal 24-hour clock, daytime (light) awaken and nighttime (dark) sleep. While babies are in he womb they rely on the mother’s system to depend on, once out into the world with no maternal system to depend on, their circadian rhythm must start a new. This can take a few months to regulate. This explains why babies under 3 months have such unique and erratic sleep patterns. So… your little one not sleeping as you would think it would be, it’s not something you have done wrong! This is newborn sleep, it’s erratic and just simply crazy.
Newborn sleep is erratic, inconsistent and very confusing. Your little one can sleep for a few minutes or a few hours and they sleep rarely longer than 3-4 hour stretches and they will wake hungry and need to eat. There is also absolutely no pattern in their sleep and they will sleep at random times. Most newborn will need soothing to go to sleep (this is absolutely okay!) as the transition to life outside the womb can be difficult. This will also lead to many night waking and the need to be soothed, fed and comforted.
Newborn sleep is noisy and restless! They make. a lot of noises, grunts and brief cries in their sleep. Not to mention the strong startle reflex which can wake them up. All of the above is normal! They not only have an underdeveloped circadian rhythm, their bodies also don’t produce enough melatonin (the sleep hormone) and they need to eat frequently. So as you can see, this is what makes newborn sleep erratic, inconsistent and very confusing.
So how can we help our little ones and support the development of the circadian rhythm (24-hour internal clock)?
Expose baby to natural lighting patterns.
Open blinds/shaded, take baby outside, keep blinds open when baby is napping.
Keep day noises at a normal volume. TV/radio at a normal volume, talk as you would normally do and allow siblings to play and talk during the day.
Lots of activity during the day. Carry baby as you are doing your daily tasks, playtime and encourage siblings to interact and talk to baby.
Calm evening. Start lowering the noise, dim the lioghts, keep activity to a minimum, start a simple bedtime routine.
At night wakings, don’t turn on the lights, make as little noise as possible.
When giving baby pumped breastmilk, make sure to give baby milk that was expressed in the morning at morning times and milk that was expressed at night for night time. Giving baby milk that was expressed in the evening, will give baby some of mom’s melatonin (the sleep hormone).
Newborn sleep patterns, or the lack of, can take their toll on you... Some tips:
• try soothing techniques to improve your little ones sleep.
• Proper fitting swaddle
• Feeding before bed
• Start a bedtime routine! It is never too early to start a bedtime routine. Consistency will help with developing a circadian rhythm and over time it will cue your baby that it is time to sleep. It doesn’t have to be long as long as it is done consistently and at the same time each night.
Another little tip... time your baby’s bedtime with yours! Newborns prefer later bedtimes, so putting them down at a bedtime that coincides with yours will provide all of you with a good first stretch of sleep. Babies tend to sleep longer during the first stretch of sleep, plus this is also the most restorative sleep for adults!
It is also very common for newborns to make a lot of noises and movements during sleep. This doesn’t mean they are awake... When they are not due for a feeding, don’t rush in! You might overstimulate your little one and fully wake them up. Wait a few minutes before rushing in to see if they are really awake.
I can’t say this enough, don’t get angry over sleep troubles! Feeling stressed and frustrated doesn’t get you to sleep... It is crucial for you to relax before bedtime, these newborn sleep challenges are temporary! Things will get better. Newborns just have unique sleep patterns and special needs. You got this!
If you need any support, I provide custom one-on-one sleep support from newborn to pre-school age.
I am only an email away and always here for you!
Much love,